THIRD TERM exam physics

1.) The following are examples of gases except  (a) water vapour  (b) stream  (c) oxygen  (d) water 
2.) The nucleus of an atom is  (a) proton  (b) neutron    (c) positively  charged   (d) negatively charged 
3. ) Positive ions are called ____  (a) camions (b) anions  (c) molecules  (d) atom
4. ) When is atom said to be electrically neutral   (a) when the number of proton equals the number of neutron    (b) net charge is zero    (c) when the number of proton is greater then the number of electron   (d) when the number of neutron equals the number of  electron 
5. ) ion is a form of ____   (a) atom   (b) molecules   (c) matter (d) none of the above.
11 )The SI unit of tensile stress is .. (a) N/m (b) Nm (c) N/m2 (d) m2
12 )The SI unit of tensile strain is .. (a) N/m (b) Nm (c) N/m2 (d) none of the above
13.) The SI unit of Young's modulus is .. (a) N/m (b) Nm (c) N/m2 (d) none of the above
14. ) The SI unit of force constant, K in a n elastic material is .. (a) N/m (b) Nm (c) N/m2 (d) m
15.) Diffusion is fastest with... a) gases b) liquid c) solid d) water 
16 A mass of 2kg in suspended on a spring balance. What is the reading on the spring balance?
a) 20000N b) 2000N c) 200N d) 20N
17. ) Hooke’s law states that (a) F α A (b)F α e  (c) E α F (d) E α A
18. It costs N200 to consume 0.5KWh of energy. An electrical devices 2000 watts in 2 hours.. Calculate the amount spent by the user of the device a) N800 b) N1600 c) N2000 d) N1000N
19.  A current of 20A passes through an electrical device at a voltage of 200volts for 2 hours.
Calculate the electrical energy consumed a) 8000 joules b) 800 joules c) 80 joules c) 0.8 joule
20. A current of 20A passes through an electrical device at a voltage of 200volts for 2 hours.
Calculate the power supplied a) 8000 watts b) 800 watts c) 80 watts c) 0.8 watts
21. ) Crystal structure is generally used to describe (a) the external structure of solids (b) the internal structure of solids  (c)  the internal structure of liquids   (d) the external structure of liquids
22. ) Particles of a solid are orderly arranged in .,.. planes (a) parallel (b) horizontal (c) vertical (d) none of the above
23.)  Unit cell is also known as (a) monoclinic system (b) polyclinic system (c)space lattice (d) none of the above  
24. ) substance has a definite internal arrangement of particles (a) Amorphous (b) Crystalline (c) Elastic (d) Atomic
25. ) .. are not efflorescence substance  (a) Amorphous (b) Crystalline (c) Elastic (d) Atom
26) If four identical cells each 2volts are connected in series, the equivalent or total electromotive force, e.m,f. ,  is  (a) 2v (b) 4v (c) 6v (d) 8v 
27) If four identical cells each 2volts are connected in parallel, the equivalent or total electromotive force, e.m.f. ,  is  (a) 2v (b) 4v (c) 6v (d) 8v
28.) If 2Ω, 2Ω, and 1Ω resistors are connected in series the equivalent or total resistance, R,  (a) 5 Ω (b) ½ Ω (c) 4 Ω (d) 2 Ω
29) If 2Ω, 2Ω, and 1Ω resistors are connected in parallel the equivalent or total resistance , R, (a) 5 Ω (b) ½ Ω (c) 4 Ω (d) 2 Ω
30) Two resistors of resistance 1 Ω are connected in parallel to a 2 Ω resistor, the equivalent or total resistance  ,R, is …….. (a) 4 Ω (b) 3 Ω (c) 2 Ω (d) 1 Ω
31. The following are examples of solid except  (a)concrete (b) oil (c) brick  (d) metal
32. The nucleus of an atom consist of (a) proton and electron (b) neutron and   electron     (c) proton and neutron    (d) none of the above
33. Positive ions are called ____  (a) camions    (b) anions    (c) molecules  (d) atom
34. When is atom said to be electrically neutral   (a) when the number of protonequals the number of neutron    (b) when the number of protons equals the   the number of electrons   (c) when the number of proton is greater then the 
number of electron   (d) when the number of neutron equals the number of electron 
35. .... is a smallest part of any substance ___   (a) atom   (b) molecules   (c) matter (d) none of the above
36. Movement of molecules of water across a semi-permeable membrane is a) Diffusion b) Osmosis c) Translocation c) Capillarity 
37. ..... is a metal in a liquid form a) Mercury b) Gold c) Sodium d) Caesium 
39. A force of 100N produced an extension of 20cm in an elastic string. What extension is produced by a force of 250N
in the same string if the elastic limit is not exceeded? a)50cm b) 100cm c) 40cm d) 80cm
40. What is the Hooke's constant if a force of 100N produced an extension of 20cm in an elastic string?
a) 5N/cm b) 50N/m c) 500N/m d) 5N/m

Answer 4 questions in all
Answer question 1 and any 3 other questions 

1. a) Define surface tension 
b) State 2 applications of surface tension
c) State 2 ways of reducing surface tension

2. a) Define the following terms:
i) Cohesion ii) Adhesion iii) Capillarity 
b) Explain why water wets glass 
c) Explain why mercury does not stick to glass 

3 a) Define the following terms and give one example for each 
i) Conductor ii) Insulator iii) Semiconductor 
b) What is an electric circuit? c
What is Diffusion 

4. A battery of 15v and internal resistance 5Ω is connected to a resistor 0f 20Ω. 
a) Draw the circuit diagram 
b) Calculate the value of ;
(i) electric current flowing in the circuit 
(ii) potential difference or terminal voltage across the 5Ω
(iii) lost voltage by the battery 
c) What is a fuse?

5. a) If 8 coulomb of charge passes through a wire at a steady rate in 2s. calculate the current.
b) Define elasticity 
c) A force of 20N stretches a spring from 1m to 1.4m. Calculate ;
i) the extension of the spring 
ii) force or Hooke's constant 
iii) the energy stored in the spring after the extension 

6. a) State Ohm's law
 b) Define Potential difference 
c) A current of 5A passes through two resistors of resistance 5Ω and 10Ω connected in series. Calculate the:
i) current in 5Ω resistor 
ii) the potential difference applied across 5Ω resistor 
iii) the potential difference across the 10Ω resistor

1.) Plane mirrors are used in all these except (a) periscope (b) sextant (c) kaleidoscope (c) binoculars
2.) Two plane mirrors are placed touching and at 60 degree to each other. If an object is placed between the mirrors and viewed from above the mirrors. How many images will the eye see? (a) 5 images   (b) 6 images (c) 4 images (d) 3 images
3.) When a ray of light is reflected from a plane surface, the angle of incidence is always equal       to the angle of  ( a) reflection (b) refraction ( c ) diffraction (d) dispersion
4.) Which of the following statements is untrue? When an image is formed in a plane mirror, the image formed will be
 (a) the same size as the object. (b) smaller than the object.  (c) laterally inverted (d) always virtual
5.) In which of the following instrument is the image that is formed erect, small and virtual 
(a) pin hole camera ( b) eye (c) microscope (d) convex mirror 
6. For correcting long sight defects in the human eyes, we require ..
Converging lens       (b) diverging lens  (c) microscope  (d) periscope.
7.  Which of the following optical instruments does not make use of a lens?
(a) projector (b)periscope    (c ) eye    (d) microscope.
8. The ability of the eye to focus object at different distances is called ..
Power (b) accommodations     (c) normal vision  (d) long sight
9. Binocular vision
Restricts the field of view        (b)   Enables a person to see further
(c ) Enables objects to be seen in relief     (d)Enables objects to be seen clearly.
10. Waves are set up in pipes
Stationary (b) longitudinal      (c) transverse   (d) electromagnetic.
11. The separation of white light into its constituent colour is known as
(a) deviation (b)defraction   (c) dispersion   (d) deflection
12. The light of one wavelength or colour is called
  (a) yellow light  (b) green light  (c) monochromatic light  (d) blue light
13. The colours obtained by mixing any two primary colours are called ..
  (a) primary colours  (b) secondary colours  (c) indigo    (d) violet
14.  In a pure spectrum, what is the function of the lens near the length source?(a) to separate the light colours (b) to produce parallel rays (c) to diverge the light rays (d )to produce dispersion necessary for the spectrum
15. The following colours are primary colours except?       (a )Red     (b) Green (c)Blue  (d) Yellow
21  The natural frequency of a simple pendulum depends only on 
    A area B amplitude C length D speed
22  A tuning fork sounds louder when its stem is pressed against a table top than when held in    air because
  A. a larger mass of air is set vibrating by the table top  B. the whole table vibrates in resonance 
  C. the whole table has acquire a larger frequency  D.  the fork and the table have the same     frequency
23 What type of motion does the skin of a talking drum perform when it is being struck with     drumstick A. random B. rotational C. vibratory D. translational
24   Which of the following statement is not true
    A. musical notes consists of combination of sounds of regular frequency
    B. sound travels faster in solids than in gases
    C. the loudness of sound is determine by its frequency
    D. the pitch of a note depend on the frequency of vibration of the source
25 Calculate the wavelength  of a note which is one octave lower than a note of  256 Hz  in a    medium  in which the speed of sound is 352m/s      A. 0.69m B. 1.38m C .  2.75m  D.  5.50m
26. When a wave, e.g light wave is refracted, 
a) Its direction of travel changes
b) Its velocity changes.
c)Its wavelength changes
d) all of the above 
27. The ... of a lens is the reciprocal of the focal length of a lens in metres.
a) Power b) Accommodation c) Magnification d) infinity 
28. The focal length of a lens is 20cm . Calculate its power a) 5 dioptre b) 0.05 dioptre c) 0.5m d) 0.05cm
29. Which of the following is not one of characteristics of sound? a) pitch b) Loudness c) Quality d) area
30.) If the fundamental frequency of a closed pipe is 200Hz, what is its third harmonic ? a) 600Hz b) 100Hz c) 400Hz d) 150z
31. If the fundamental frequency of a closed pipe is 200Hz, what is its first overtone? a) 600Hz b) 100Hz c) 400Hz d) 150z
32. The length of air column in closed pipe is 50cm to produce a fundamental frequency of sound wave . calculate the wavelength in the pupe. a) 100cm b) 50cm c) 200cm d) 140cm
33. The human eyes form a real and inverted image of an external object on the.... a) Retina b) screen c) slide c) projector 
34. An astronomical telescope is used for viewing distance objects like stars and planets. The astronomical telescope uses two ... lenses. a) convex b) concave c) concave and convex d) no
35. A simple microscope gives a ..... image
a) virtual, erect , magnified i 
b) real , erect, magnified 
c) real , inverted and magnified 
d) None of the above 
36. .... is the least deviated during dispersion of light by a triangular prism 
a) red b) orange c) violet d ) green 
37 .... is the most deviated during dispersion of light by a triangular prism 
a) red b) orange c) violet d ) green
38. Red light has the .... wavelength in air a) longest b) short-term c) shortest d) medium 
39. while violet light has the ..... wavelength  in air. a) longest b) short-term c) shortest d) medium 
40. Light is a/an ...... wave
a) mechanical b) electromagnetic c) longitudinal c) resting 

Answer four questions in all with question 1 compulsory.
1 a) hat do you understand by the term lateral inversion?
b) Two plane mirrors inclining at an unknown angle between each other, forms 11 images. Find the value of the angle?
c) State 3 uses of mirror 

2. a) Explain the term dispersion
b) Describe with the aid of a well labeled diagram how a pure spectrum of white light can be produced?
c) Draw the colour chart for mixing different colours of light.

3 a) State 2 laws of reflection 
   b) State 2 laws of refraction 
c) A ray of light is incident on a glass at 30 degree to the normal. calculate its angle of reflection 

4. A ray of light passes from air  through a rectangular block of glass with parallel side 4.5 cm apart at an angle of incidence of 52 degree,
Draw the ray diagram:
(c) The lateral displacement of the ray (c) The angle of refraction (Refractive index of glass = 1.5)

5.  a)  i) Define wave. ii) List two properties of wave
b) What is refraction of light?
c) Radio wave travels on air at 3.0X108m/s. if the waves enter water of refractive index of 4/3 , calculate the speed of the radio waves in water.

6. List 3 uses of lenses
b) How can eye myopia be corrected?
c) How can eye hypermetropia be corrected?