300 Most Difficult SAT Words
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- abjectof the most contemptible kind
- aberrationa state or condition markedly different from the norm
- abjureformally reject or disavow a formerly held belief
- abnegationthe denial and rejection of a doctrine or belief
- abrogaterevoke formally
- abscondrun away, often taking something or somebody along
- abstrusedifficult to understand
- accedeyield to another's wish or opinion
- accostapproach and speak to someone aggressively or insistently
- accretionan increase by natural growth or addition
- acumenshrewdness shown by keen insight
- adamantinsistent; unwilling to change one's mind or opinion
- admonishscold or reprimand; take to task
- adumbratedescribe roughly or give the main points or summary of
- adversein an opposing direction
- advocatea person who pleads for a person, cause, or idea
- affluenthaving an abundant supply of money or possessions of value
- aggrandizeembellish; increase the scope, power, or importance of
- alacrityliveliness and eagerness
- aliasa name that has been assumed temporarily
- ambivalentuncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow
- amenabledisposed or willing to comply
- amorphoushaving no definite form or distinct shape
- anachronisticchronologically misplaced
- anathemaa formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication
- annexattach to
- antediluvianof or relating to the period before the biblical flood
- antisepticthoroughly clean and free of disease-causing organisms
- apatheticshowing little or no emotion or animation
- antithesisexact opposite
- apocryphalbeing of questionable authenticity
- approbationofficial acceptance or agreement
- arbitrarybased on or subject to individual discretion or preference
- arborealof or relating to or formed by trees
- arcanerequiring secret or mysterious knowledge
- archetypalof an original type after which other things are patterned
- arrogateseize and take control without authority
- asceticsomeone who practices self denial as a spiritual discipline
- aspersiona disparaging remark
- assiduousmarked by care and persistent effort
- atrophya decrease in size of an organ caused by disease or disuse
- banesomething causing misery or death
- bashfulself-consciously timid
- beguileinfluence by slyness
- bereftlacking or deprived of something
- blandishmentflattery intended to persuade
- bilkcheat somebody out of what is due, especially money
- bombasticostentatiously lofty in style
- cajoleinfluence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering
- callousemotionally hardened
- calumnya false accusation of an offense
- camaraderiethe quality of affording easy familiarity and sociability
- candorthe quality of being honest and straightforward
- capitulatesurrender under agreed conditions
- carouseengage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking
- carpany of various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae
- caucusmeet to select a candidate or promote a policy
- cavortplay boisterously
- circumlocutionan indirect way of expressing something
- circumscribedraw a geometric figure around another figure
- circumventsurround so as to force to give up
- clamorutter or proclaim insistently and noisily
- cleaveseparate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument
- cobblera person who makes or repairs shoes
- cogentpowerfully persuasive
- cognizanthaving or showing knowledge or understanding or realization
- commensuratecorresponding in size or degree or extent
- complementsomething added to embellish or make perfect
- compunctiona feeling of deep regret, usually for some misdeed
- concomitantfollowing or accompanying as a consequence
- conduita passage through which water or electric wires can pass
- conflagrationa very intense and uncontrolled fire
- congruitythe quality of agreeing; being suitable and appropriate
- conniveform intrigues (for) in an underhand manner
- consigngive over to another for care or safekeeping
- constituentone of the individual parts making up a composite entity
- construemake sense of; assign a meaning to
- contusionan injury in which the skin is not broken
- contritefeeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses
- contentiousshowing an inclination to disagree
- contravenego against, as of rules and laws
- convivialoccupied with or fond of the pleasures of good company
- corpulencethe property of excessive fatness
- covetwish, long, or crave for
- cupidityextreme greed for material wealth
- dearthan insufficient quantity or number
- debaclea sudden and complete disaster
- debaucha wild gathering involving excessive drinking
- debunkexpose while ridiculing
- defunctno longer in force or use; inactive
- demagoguea leader who seeks support by appealing to popular passions
- denigrateattack the good name and reputation of someone
- derivativea compound obtained from another compound
- despota cruel and oppressive dictator
- diaphanousso thin as to transmit light
- didacticinstructive, especially excessively
- dirgea song or hymn of mourning as a memorial to a dead person
- disaffecteddiscontented as toward authority
- discomfitcause to lose one's composure
- disparatefundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind
- dispelcause to separate and go in different directions
- disreputethe state of being held in low esteem
- divisivecausing or characterized by disagreement or disunity
- dogmaticpertaining to a code of beliefs accepted as authoritative
- dourshowing a brooding ill humor
- duplicitythe act of deceiving or acting in bad faith
- duresscompulsory force or threat
- eclecticselecting what seems best of various styles or ideas
- edicta formal or authoritative proclamation
- ebullientjoyously unrestrained
- egregiousconspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
- elegya mournful poem; a lament for the dead
- elicitcall forth, as an emotion, feeling, or response
- embezzlementthe fraudulent appropriation of funds or property
- emendmake corrections to
- emollienta substance with a soothing effect when applied to the skin
- empiricalderived from experiment and observation rather than theory
- emulatestrive to equal or match, especially by imitating
- enervateweaken physically, mentally, or morally
- enfranchisegrant freedom to, as from slavery or servitude
- engendercall forth
- ephemeralanything short-lived, as an insect that lives only for a day
- epistolarywritten in the form of letters or correspondence
- equanimitysteadiness of mind under stress
- equivocalopen to two or more interpretations
- espousechoose and follow a theory, idea, policy, etc.
- evanescentshort-lived; tending to vanish or disappear
- evincegive expression to
- exacerbatemake worse
- exhortspur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts
- execrableunequivocally detestable
- exigentdemanding immediate attention
- expedientappropriate to a purpose
- expiatemake amends for
- expungeremove by erasing or crossing out or as if by drawing a line
- extraneousnot belonging to that in which it is contained
- extolpraise, glorify, or honor
- extantstill in existence; not extinct or destroyed or lost
- expurgateedit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate
- fallaciouscontaining or based on incorrect reasoning
- fatuousdevoid of intelligence
- fettera shackle for the ankles or feet
- flagrantconspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible
- foilhinder or prevent, as an effort, plan, or desire
- forbearancegood-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence
- fortuitouslucky; occurring by happy chance
- fractiouseasily irritated or annoyed
- garrulousfull of trivial conversation
- gourmanda person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess
- grandiloquentlofty in style
- gratuitousunnecessary and unwarranted
- haplessunfortunate and deserving pity
- hegemonythe dominance or leadership of one social group over others
- heterogenousconsisting of elements that are not of the same kind
- iconoclastsomeone who attacks cherished ideas or institutions
- idiosyncraticpeculiar to the individual
- impecuniousnot having enough money to pay for necessities
- impetuouscharacterized by undue haste and lack of thought
- impingeinfringe upon
- imputeattribute or credit to
- inanedevoid of intelligence
- inchoateonly partly in existence; imperfectly formed
- incontrovertibleimpossible to deny or disprove
- incumbentnecessary as a duty or responsibility; morally binding
- inexorableimpossible to prevent, resist, or stop
- inimicalnot friendly
- injunctiona judicial remedy to prohibit a party from doing something
- inoculateinject or treat with the germ of a disease to render immune
- insidiousworking or spreading in a hidden and usually injurious way
- instigateprovoke or stir up
- insurgentin opposition to a civil authority or government
- interlocutora person who takes part in a conversation
- intimationa slight suggestion or vague understanding
- inurecause to accept or become hardened to
- invectiveabusive language used to express blame or censure
- intransigentimpervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, or reason
- inveteratehabitual
- irreverencea mental attitude showing lack of due respect
- knellthe sound of a bell rung slowly to announce a death
- laconicbrief and to the point
- largesseliberality in bestowing gifts
- legerdemainan illusory feat
- libertarianan advocate of freedom of thought and speech
- licentiouslacking moral discipline
- linchpina central cohesive source of support and stability
- litiganta party to a lawsuit
- maelstroma powerful circular current of water
- maudlineffusively or insincerely emotional
- mavericksomeone who exhibits independence in thought and action
- mawkisheffusively or insincerely emotional
- maxima saying that is widely accepted on its own merits
- mendaciousgiven to lying
- modicuma small or moderate or token amount
- morassa soft wet area of low-lying land that sinks underfoot
- moresthe conventions embodying the fundamental values of a group
- munificentvery generous
- multifarioushaving many aspects
- nadirthe lowest point of anything
- negligentcharacterized by undue lack of attention or concern
- neophyteany new participant in some activity
- noisomeoffensively malodorous
- noxiousinjurious to physical or mental health
- obduratestubbornly persistent in wrongdoing
- obfuscatemake obscure or unclear
- obstreperousnoisily and stubbornly defiant
- officiousintrusive in a meddling or offensive manner
- onerousburdensome or difficult to endure
- ostensibleappearing as such but not necessarily so
- ostracismthe act of excluding someone from society by general consent
- palliatelessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
- panaceahypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases
- paradigma standard or typical example
- pariaha person who is rejected from society or home
- partisana fervent and even militant proponent of something
- paucityan insufficient quantity or number
- pejorativeexpressing disapproval
- pellucidtransparently clear; easily understandable
- penchanta strong liking or preference
- penuriousexcessively unwilling to spend
- pertcharacterized by a lightly saucy or impudent quality
- perniciousexceedingly harmful
- pertinaciousstubbornly unyielding
- phlegmaticshowing little emotion
- philanthropicof or relating to charitable giving
- pithyconcise and full of meaning
- platitudea trite or obvious remark
- plauditenthusiastic approval
- plenitudea full supply
- plethoraextreme excess
- portenta sign of something about to happen
- potentatea powerful ruler, especially one who is unconstrained by law
- precludemake impossible, especially beforehand
- predilectiona predisposition in favor of something
- preponderanceexceeding in heaviness; having greater weight
- presagea foreboding about what is about to happen
- probitycomplete and confirmed integrity
- proclivitya natural inclination
- profligateunrestrained by convention or morality
- promulgatestate or announce
- proscribecommand against
- proteantaking on different forms
- prurientcharacterized by lust
- pueriledisplaying or suggesting a lack of maturity
- pugnaciousready and able to resort to force or violence
- pulchritudephysical beauty, especially of a woman
- punctiliousmarked by precise accordance with details
- quaintattractively old-fashioned
- quixoticnot sensible about practical matters
- quandarystate of uncertainty in a choice between unfavorable options
- recalcitrantstubbornly resistant to authority or control
- redoubtableinspiring fear
- relegateassign to a lower position
- remissfailing in what duty requires
- reprievepostpone the punishment of a convicted criminal
- reprobatea person without moral scruples
- rescindcancel officially
- requisitionan authoritative demand
- rifeexcessively abundant
- sanctimoniousexcessively or hypocritically pious
- sanguineconfidently optimistic and cheerful
- scurrilousexpressing offensive, insulting, or scandalous criticism
- semaphorean apparatus for visual signaling
- serendipitygood luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries
- sobrietythe state of being unaffected or not intoxicated by alcohol
- solicitousfull of anxiety and concern
- solipsismthe philosophical theory that the self is all that exists
- spuriousplausible but false
- staidcharacterized by dignity and propriety
- stolidhaving or revealing little emotion or sensibility
- subjugatemake subservient; force to submit or subdue
- surfeitindulge (one's appetite) to satiety
- surreptitiousmarked by quiet and caution and secrecy
- swarthynaturally having skin of a dark color
- tangentialof superficial relevance if any
- tomea large and scholarly book
- toadya person who tries to please someone to gain an advantage
- torpidin a condition of biological rest or suspended animation
- travestya composition that imitates or misrepresents a style
- trenchanthaving keenness and forcefulness and penetration in thought
- triterepeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse
- truculentdefiantly aggressive
- turpitudea corrupt or depraved or degenerate act or practice
- ubiquitousbeing present everywhere at once
- umbragea feeling of anger caused by being offended
- upbraidexpress criticism towards
- utilitarianhaving a useful function
- veracityunwillingness to tell lies
- vestigean indication that something has been present
- vicissitudea variation in circumstances or fortune
- vilifyspread negative information about
- virtuososomeone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
- vitriolicharsh, bitter, or malicious in tone
- vituperatespread negative information about
- vociferousconspicuously and offensively loud
- wantona lewd or immoral person
- winsomecharming in a childlike or naive way
- yokejoin with stable gear, as two draft animals
- zephyra slight wind
- wilymarked by skill in deception
- tiradea speech of violent denunciation
Created on September 30, 2012 (updated November 4, 2020)
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