Oral English consonant sound revision


English consonant sounds

British English consonant sounds

We explain the 24 British English consonant sounds in short videos (Lessons 6-11) and give examples of spelling and quizzes as part of our English pronunciation sounds course.

Learn pronunciation with videos

We also recommend watching the introduction to our British English pronunciation sounds course.

The whole course has 12 videos and you can learn all the British English pronunciation sounds in less than 30 minutes.

(6) English Consonant sounds: p b t d

You can watch, listen and repeat each consonant sound (p b t d) and the examples.

Spellings: p b t d

Here are spelling examples for each consonant sound (p b t d).

ppen, apple
bbanana, rabbit
tteacher, letter, watched
ddog, address, lived

Quiz: p b t d

Choose the consonant sound (p b t d) that we have underlined in each word.

Good luck and please share!

(7) English consonant sounds: tʃ dʒ k g

You can watch, listen and repeat each consonant sound (tʃ dʒ k g) and the examples.

Spellings: tʃ dʒ k g

Here are spelling examples for each consonant sound (tʃ dʒ k g).

chair, match, picture
job, gym, image, fridge
kcat, clockkangaroo, mechanic, queen
ggo, bigger

Quiz: tʃ dʒ k g

Choose the consonant sound (tʃ dʒ k g) that we have underlined in each word.

Good luck and please share!

(8) English consonant sounds: f v θ ð

You can watch, listen and repeat each consonant sound (f v θ ð) and the examples.

Spellings: f v θ ð

Here are spelling examples for each consonant sound (f v θ ð).

ffoot, traffic, phone, laugh
vvegetable, of, live
ðmother, breathe

Quiz: f v θ ð

Choose the consonant sound (f v θ ð) that we have underlined in each word.

Good luck and please share!

(9) English consonant sounds: s z ʃ ʒ

You can watch, listen and repeat each consonant sound (s z ʃ ʒ) and the examples.

Spellings: s z ʃ ʒ

Here are spelling examples for each consonant sound (s z ʃ ʒ).

ssun, glasscity, nicescenery
zzero, brothers, raise, maze, jazz
ʃshower, sugar, national, machine, special
ʒtelevision, beige

Quiz: s z ʃ ʒ

Choose the consonant sound (s z ʃ ʒ) that we have underlined in each word.

Good luck and please share!

(10) English consonant sounds: m n ŋ h

You can watch, listen and repeat each consonant sound (m n ŋ h) and the examples.

Spellings: m n ŋ h

Here are spelling examples for each consonant sound (m n ŋ h).

mman, summer, lamb
nnurse, tennis, knife
ŋthing, think
hhouse, who

Quiz: m n ŋ h

Choose the consonant sound (m n ŋ h) that is underlined in each word.

Good luck and please share!

(11) English consonant sounds: l r w j

You can watch, listen and repeat each consonant sound (l r w j) and the examples.

Spellings: l r w j

Here are spelling examples for each consonant sound (l r w j).

lland, wall
rriver, tomorrow, write
wweek, when, _one, q_ueen
jyou, _use, n_ew, v_iew, arg_ue

Quiz: l r w j

Choose the consonant sound (l r w j) that is underlinedin each word.

Good luck and please share!