Computer Js 1 and 2 third


JS 1



SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDIES                                                     CLASS: JSS 1




WEEK           TOPIC



3.                    THE DEVICE

4.                    TYPES OF COMPUTER



7.                    MASTERY OF THE KEYBOARD I

8.                    MASTERY OF THE KEYBOARD II

9.                    SCREEN POINTING DEVICES




WEEK ONE            



Computer processing is an action or series of actions that a microprocessor, also known as a central processing unit (CPU), in a computer performs when it receives information. The CPU is a type of electronic “brain” for a computer system, and it executes a series of instructions that are fed to it by software programs installed onto a computer’s hard drive and loaded into random access memory (RAM). Though modern computer systems have become much faster and more complex than their earlier counterparts, they still perform the same basic type of computer processing.


There are four distinct states that processing goes through in order to produce meaningful output for any program. These states are commonly referred to as (fetch, decode, execute and write back).


A computer has four main components: the central processing unit or CPU, the primary memory, input units and output units. A system bus connects all the four components, passing and relaying information among them. 


Ø    Central Processing Unit (CPU)

 Computer scientists typically call the CPU the "brain" of the computer because this is where programs are executed. The CPU is further broken up into three smaller components: the arithmetic unit handles all the simple mathematical computations; the control units interpret the instructions in a computer program; and the instruction decoding unit converts computer programming instructions into machine code.


Ø    Memory

Once the CPU converts a specific set of computer program instructions into machine code, it stores that machine code in primary storage or memory. The machine code will be treated as either data or instructions. The CPU fetches data and instructions from memory, uses an instruction to manipulate the data, and then sends the result and the next set of instructions back to memory.


Ø    Input Units

Input units are all the devices you use to feed data to the computer, such as a keyboard, a hard drive or a networking card. These devices, in essence, bring data from the "outside world" into your computer, in much the same way that your eyes and ears bring information to your brain. Each input device has its own hardware controller that connects to the CPU and primary memory, and it has a set of instructions that tells the CPU how to use it.


Ø    Output Units

Output units are the devices your computer uses to relay information to the user, such as a printer, monitors and speakers. For example, everything you see on your computer monitor starts as machine code in memory. The CPU takes that machine code and converts it into a format required by your monitor's hardware. Your monitor's hardware then converts that information into different light intensities so that you see words or pictures.



1.               Define computer processing.

2.               State four main components of computer.


Uses of Computer in communication

1.               Computer gadgets such as mobile phones, palmtops can be used in communicating

2.               The use of Video and Tele-conferencing in having meeting(s) with various members of staff or board of directors in different locations, with the ability to view themselves.

3.               Used in sending and receiving mails through the internet.

4.               Used in multi- media communications.


Uses of Computer in Timing and Control

1.               Traffic Control

2.               Weather Control

3.               Machine Control

4.               Airplane Control


Uses of computer in information Processing and Management

Ø    Marketing: individuals and companies also use the system to source for e-shopping, 0n-line payment and delivery of ordered goods.

Ø    Generation of payroll: Computers can be used to prepare and process payroll through Microsoft Excel.

Ø    Accounting and Banking: Computers are used to keep proper and effective records of both goods and customer’s money.


Uses of computer in the society

Ø    Health Care: Hospitals are comprehensively computerized in order to facilitate patient care at competitive cost.

Ø    Airlines: Airline reservation agent communicates with a centralized computer via a remote terminal to update the database the moment a seat on any flight is filled or becomes available.

Ø    Law: Lawyers use keywords to search through massive full text database containing more cases than in any law office’s library.



1.               Define computer processing.

2.               State four main components of computer.

3.               State five uses of computer in the society.



Computer studies for junior secondary education JSS 1 By Hiit Plc. pages 65 - 67



1.               The ……..... executes a series of instructions that are fed to it by software programs installed onto a computer’s hard drive and loaded into random access memory (RAM). (a) core        (b) CPU        (c) ROM      (d) control unit

2.               ……….. stores program instruction in the computer system. (a) memory    (b) CPU     (c) ALU (d) control unit.

3.               ……….. are the devices your computer uses to relay information to the user. (a) input unit (b) output unit       (c) memory       (d) primary.

4.               ………. are all the devices you use to feed information to the computer. (a) input unit       (b) output       (c) memory     (d) CPU

5.               ……….. are comprehensively computerized in order to facilitate patient care at competitive cost. (a) Hospitals   (b) airline reservation (c) banking (d) payroll



1.               Define computer processing.

2.               State four main components of computer.

3.               Mention four areas of the society where computer is used.

4.               List four areas where computer is used in timing and control.






There are different basic techniques of data processing namely:

Batch Processing

Real Time Processing

Time Sharing Processing

Demand Processing

Multi Processing



It is a technique by which a number of jobs (data) are inputed into the computer system at the same time and the computer is made to execute those jobs, one after the other in sequence, at its own pace.  This type of processing is suitable for accounting and business applications such as payroll accounts, invoicing, purchases, sales, ledger etc.



In Real-Time Processing data are processed immediately, now.  It is processed in rapid manner so that the results of the processing are available in time to influence the current activity or process being monitored or controlled.  It is useful in transaction application where time is a critical factor e.g. airline reservations, banks etc.



In time-sharing processing, many users can work with the computer through terminals that are connected to remote distance.  Here, the processor time is shared among variable number of users at essentially the same time, that is, it allows simultaneity and concurrency.  Each user is given a fraction of the processor time, at the elapse of which the processor is switched over to another user.



This is a type of processing that is done only when it becomes necessary.  The data have been stored in the computer memory, and would then be processed when it becomes necessary.



In all the modes of computer operation discussed earlier only one processor is in the system.  A multi processing system is one in which there are two or more processors that may be sharing the same main memory.  This makes simultaneous execution of two or more programs possible.



This is a kind of processing whereby many terminals are directly connected to the CPU.  It also involves a method of entering transaction and getting the output immediately.  An online system is not always a real time response system, but real time system must have an online capability.



1.               Define data processing.

2.               State four data processing techniques.



The following are advantages of using computers for data processing:

1.               Speeds: Computer operations (the execution of an instruction such as the addition of two numbers) are done at the speed of light i.e. data is processed at a very fast rate when using the computer.

2.               Accuracy: The computer is very accurate when processing data, it is not prone to errors like human beings.

3.               Reliability: Computers can work for long periods of time performing repetitive tasks without complaining and a user can be sure that a directive given to the computer will be carried out.

4.               Storage: Computer storage is far more efficient such that the quantity of data stored at any point can be accessed anytime it is required.

5.               Memory Capability: Computer systems can store a huge amount of data or information and they have total and instant recall of these data.

6.               Exchange of information: Computer has the ability to exchange information quickly and easily with computers and other devices.

7.               Efficiency and productivity can be raised.

8.               Running cost becomes lower in the long term.

9.               Overall security can be raised due to less human intervention.


It may be noted however that, the use of computer for data processing has its own disadvantages: like, it is expensive, it requires trained personnel and it is costly to maintain.



1.               Define data processing.

2.               List any four processing techniques.

3.               Give two advantages of using computer to process information.

4.               Give two disadvantages of using computer for data processing.



Computer studies Stella Chiemeke   Book 1 page 38.

Modern computer studies by Victoria Dinehin page 20



1.               The …… is a technique by which a number of jobs (data) are input into the computer system at the same time and the computer is made to execute those jobs, one after the other in sequence. (a) batch processing (b) on-line processing (c) time sharing (d) demand processing

2.               Computer operations are done at a speed of …... (a) moon (b) electronic (c) Light         (d) sun

3.               …….. is a kind of processing whereby many terminals are directly connected to the CPU.   (a) online processing (b) demand processing (c) time sharing (d) batch processing

4.               In time-sharing processing, many users can work with the computer through terminals that are connected to remote distance. 

(a) batch   (b) time sharing   (c) demand  (d)  online

5.               A………….. system is one in which there are two or more processors that may be sharing the same main memory. (a) Multi processing (b) batch processing

(c) online processing (d) real time processing



1.         Write short note on the following:

            (a)       Batch Processing

            (b)       Real-Time Processing

            (c)       Time Sharing

            (d)       Online Processing

2.         State six importance of using computer as a data processing tool.









Devices are instruments, equipments or machines made to perform specific functions.



Devices can be classified into four types:

·                 Early counting devices

·                 Mechanical devices

·                 Electrical device

·                 Electronic device

·                 Analogue device



1.     What is a device?

2.     List the five classes of device.


1.     Early counting devices: Examples of this include stones,pebbles,beads,fingers and toes,sticks,grains,marks on the wall etc.

2.     Mechanical devices: mechanism consisting of a device that works on mechanical principles. Examples of this include ship, cart, sewing machine, motorcycle, car, typewriter, wheel barrow, Abacus, Slide rule, Napier bone, Pascaline, Jacquard’s loom, Babbage’s analytic engine

3.     Electrical devices:  take the energy of electric current and transform it in simple ways into some other form of energy  Examples include electric iron, electric kettle, blender, mixer, electric clipper, fridge, fan, washing machine, grinding machine etc

4.     Electronic devices: are components for controlling the flow of electrical currents for the purpose of information processing and system control. Examples include photocopier, scoreboard, calculator, radio, camera, television, telephone and computer.

5.     Anologue: They are used to measure things that change from time to time. Examples include: barometer, thermometer, weighing scale, rainguage etc.



1.               What is a device?

2.               List the five classes of device.

3.               State the examples of devices. 



Computer studies Stella Chiemeke   Book 1 page 41.

Modern computer studies by Victoria Dinehin page 21



1.               ____ is an equipment used to perform specific function. (a) Devices  (b) Computer (c) Analog (d) mechanical

2.               Devices can be classified into ____ (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 2

3.               Which of these is not early counting devices? (a ) fingers  (b) sticks   (c ) Calculator (d) pebbles

4.               Abacus is an example of ____ devices (a) Mechanical (b) Electrical (c) Computer  (d) electrical

5.               ____ is an example of electronic device (a ) Abacus (b) Computer  (c ) Fan (d) ship



1.     What is a device?

2.     List the five types of devices with examples.






There are three types of Computers namely:

Digital computer

Analogue Computer

Hybrid computer


Digital Computer

Digital computer system is a system or device using discrete signals or values to represent data numerically. They are computers that are used for counting and to work on numbers.

It works on data of non-continuous or discontinuous nature. Most digital representation in computing is based on the binary system. For example, the channel select on the television set is a digital device because it restricts you to a discrete set of channels. Another example is the digital wrist watch which shows you the exact time in digits and digital computers, calculator, microcomputer, digital ammeter.


Analogue Computer

These are computers that work on non-discrete or continuous data. In contrast to digital computers, they have continuous value. They are used to measure values that changes from time to time. Examples of such measurements are temperature, speed, weight etc.  . They measure physical quantities and convert them to numbers.  Examples of  analogue devices are thermometer, speedometer, fuel gauge, electric meters ,petrol dispenser at petrol station and analogue ammeter.


They are mostly used in industrial operations.


Hybrid Computers

The high speed of analogue machine is combined with the flexibility of a digital machine. A hybrid computer is made up of digital and an analogue connect together in a system.

Hybrid computers are mostly used in scientific  research and technical application because they count and measure. They have both ability to handle discrete and non-discrete data since the properties of analogue and digital are combined in hybrid computers.



1.     Mention the three types of Computers.

2.     Write short notes on the three types of Computers.



Modern computer studies by Victoria Dinehin pg 84-85



1.     How many types of computer do we have? (a) 1   (b) 2    (c) 3     (d) 4

2.     Analogue computers work on ____ (a) non-discrete data (b) discrete data (c) data (d) digital

3.     ____ computer measures physical quantities. (a) Digital (b) Hybrid (c) Analogue (d) none

4.               ____ computer is used for counting? (a) Digital (b) Hybrid (c) Analogue

(d) continous

5.               Which of these computers has the ability to handle discrete and non discrete?

(a) Digital (b) Hybrid (c ) Analogue (d) continuous



1.     List the three types of computers.

2.     Write short notes on the three types of computers.

3.     List any two examples each of digital devices and analogue devices.







1.               Computer can be used in computer schools, hospitals, government offices.

2.               Computers are used for organizing data management and information.

3.               It enhances the learning process with interactivity e.g students’ compact disk.

4.               It aids communication system through e-mail, teleconferencing, telephone E-presence.

5.               It is also used for word processing i.e. used to write letters, memos and documents.

6.               Computers are used for graphical presentation such as production of all sorts of cards, letterheads calendars etc.

7.               It is used for fun, excitement and relaxation through computer games.

8.               It helps to plan schedule and control people resources and cost of project.



1.     Computer in education: they are used as teaching aids in CAL (Computer Aided Learning) or CAI(Computer Aided Instruction).

2.     Personnel administration: are required for the keeping of comprehensive records on employees.

3.     Computer in business: is used for planning and forecasting using simulated scenarioss. For experience and solution.

4.     Medicine: used to check health parameters of patients.

5.     Banking: helps to solve large amount of bank dealings and operations.

6.     Engineering: complex calculations and drawings are easily tackled.

7.     Recreational activities: used for playing games for relaxation, fun and excitement.

8.     Computer in art and music: the use of AutoCAD(computer aided drawings; amateur and professional musicians can compose or play and refine existing musical composition on computer.



1.               Mention five uses of computer in the society.

2.               State five application areas of computers.


1.     Computers are fast.

2.     They have large storage facilities.

3.     Computers are very accurate.

4.     It performs more operations that can be effectively performed manually.

5.     Computer accommodates growth i.e enabling the organisation to move forward and compete effectively with other firms.

6.     Provides immediate access to data  i.e providing customers and clients with immediate responses to inquire about services rendered.

7.     Assist with decision making i.e. delivering information n timely manner.



1.     Computer systems are very expensive and not everybody could afford to buy one.

2.     Computer is an electronic device that cannot think on its own i.e. garbage in garbage out (GIGO).

3.     It makes some professional jobless.

4.     Misuse of computer information can be extended to include computer crime

5.     The uses of computer are limited to availability of electric power

6.     Computers can easily be attacked by virus.

7.     The uses of computer are limited to professional or educated users.



1.               State five uses of computer.

2.               State five areas of application of Computer.

3.               State three for each the advantages and disadvantages of computer.



Modern Computer Studies by Victoria Dinehin pg 30-32



1.               GIGO means …….. a) Garbage in Garbage out. b) Garbage indoor Garbage outdoor (c) Gate In Gate out  d)   all of the above

2.               ………. is used for computer teaching aids. a)TAN b) CAN c)  CAD (d) PAN

3.               Computer is used in ……. to check health parameters of patients. (a) medicine (b) school c) industry (d) factory

4.               Computers can be used for electronic advertising in form of electronic bill board a)true b) false c) none of the above (d) all of the above

5.               ……….is used for fun, excitement and relaxation.  (a) computer game        (b) word        (c) graphic (d) excel



1.               State five uses of computer.

2.               State five areas of application of Computer.

3.               State three for each the advantages and disadvantages of computer.





1.               Computers are widely used for data processing because they possess certain advantages over manual labour by humans.

2.               Computer can be used to process data at a faster speed.

3.               Increased access to the information stored in the resource centre.

4.               Process data at an accurate rate.

5.               It can be used to process a very large volume of transaction no matter how complex it may appear.

6.               Reliable in its work.

7.               It has a large storage capacity

8.               It provides a better job quality.

9.               Increased efficiencyinformation stored on a computer database can be used for different purposes.




Different tasks are performed automatically by using computers. It reduces the need of people and increases unemployment in society.


Wastage of Time and Energy

Many people use computers without positive purpose. They play games and chat for a long period of time. It causes wastage of time and energy. Young generation is now spending more time on the social media websites like Facebook, Twitter etc or texting their friends all night through smartphones which is bad for both studies and their health and it also has adverse effects on the social life.



1.               State four advantages of computer

2.               State two disadvantages of computer.


Data Security

The data stored on a computer can be accessed by unauthorized persons through networks. It has created serious problems for the data security.


Computer Crimes

People use the computer for negative activities. They hack the credit card numbers of the people and misuse them or they can steal important data from big organizations.


Privacy Violation

The computers are used to store personal data of the people. The privacy of a person can be violated if the personal and confidential records are not protected properly.


Health Risks

The improper and prolonged use of computer can results in injuries or disorders of hands, wrists, elbows, eyes, necks and backache . The users can avoid health risks by using the computer in proper position. They must also take regular breaks while using the computer for longer period of time. It is recommended to take a couple of minutes break after 30 minutes of computer usage.



1.               Define data security

2.               State the problems associated to data security.



1.               The following are the advantages of computer a)it has high speed b) better job qualities c) reliability d)all of the above

2.               Prone to fraud is one of the disadvantages of using computer a) true b) false c) none of the above

3.               The use of computer creates unemployment a) true b) false c) none of the above

4.               Computers can be used for electronic advertising in form of electronic bill board

a) true b) false c)none of the above

5.               One of the following is not a disadvantage of computer. (a) health risks

(b) privacy violation (c) unemployment  (d) reliability



1.               Mention seven advantages of computer.

2.               State five disadvantages of using computer.








Keyboard is an electronic device with several groups of keys electronically linked to the processor when attached to a computer system. It is the common input device used for entering data into the computer.

There are two main types keyboards used with micro – computer; they are:

1.               Standard keyboard

2.               Enhanced keyboard


Features of Standard Keyboard

·                 It has ten functions keys. (F1 - F10)

·                 It has four arrow keys

·                 It ha 84 – 89 keys


Features of Enhanced Keyboard

·                 It has 12 function keys ( F1 – F12)

·                 It has 8 arrow keys

·                 It has 101 – 105 keys


Types of Enhances Keyboard

1.               Multimedia keyboard

2.               Programming keyboard

3.               Cordless keyboard



Sections of the Keyboard

Keyboard is basically divided into five sections;

1.               Alphanumeric keys: These are made up of alphabets and numbers. 

2.               Function keys (F1 – F12)

3.               Control keys: DEL, CTRL, esc and Alt

4.               Cursor: Control the screen movement keys e. g. arrow, home, end, page up etc.

5.               Numeric keypad: It is arranged in a calculator type structure.



1.               Define the keyboard.

2.               State the two types of keyboard.

3.               Mention five sections of the keyboard.



Modern computer studies by Victoria Dinehin page 160



1.               The types of enhanced keyboard include the following excpt. (a) multimedia

(b) programming (c) cordless (d) standard

2.               There are …….. types of keyboard. (a) a  (b) 3   (c) 2  (d) 5

3.               The ……..   has eight arrow keys.  (a) standard  (b) enhance  (c) multiple

(d)  intermediate

4.               The…….. has ten functions keys. (a) enhance  (b) standard  (c) none of the above  (d) none of the above.

5.               ……….. key controls the screen movement keys. (a) cursor (b) numeric

(c) function (d) alphabet.



1.               Define the keyboard.

2.               State the two types of keyboard.

3.               Mention five sections of the keyboard.



Modern computer studies by Victoria Dinehin page 160





Correct Sitting Position

v    Make sure you have correct sitting posture to avoid back ache,eye strain and aching hands

v    Adjustable seat back.

v    Room to move your legs,

v    Screen at comfortable height.

v    Use anti-glare protector.


Using the Keyboard to Type Names, Letter

Use of software tutor e.g Mavis beacon typing tutor

Attempt using your ten fingers to type

Have a soft touch on the keyboard


State the correct sitting positions for mastering keyboard typing acts.



Modern Computer Studies by Victoria Dinehin page 161



1.               The types of enhanced keyboard include the following excpt. (a) multimedia

(b) programming (c) cordless (d) standard

2.               There are …….. types of keyboard. (a) a  (b) 3   (c) 2  (d) 5

3.               The ……..   has eight arrow keys.  (a) standard  (b) enhance  (c) multiple

(d)  intermediate

4.               The…….. has ten functions keys. (a) enhance  (b) standard  (c) none of the above  (d) none of the above.

5.               ……….. key controls the screen movement keys. (a) cursor  (b) numeric

(c) function (d) alphabet



1.               State correct sitting positions for mastering keyboard typing acts.

2.               State the uses of keyboard.





A device with which you can control the movement of the pointer to select items on a display screen, is a hardware input device that allows the user to move the mouse cursor in a computer program or GUI operating system.


Types of Screen Pointing Devices

1.              Mouse

2.              Track Ball

3.              Touch Ball

4.              Joystick

5.              Light pen



A mouse is a pointing device used to control the movement of a pointer cursor in a graphical environment. It is an alternative to the keyboard.

The different versions of mouse are as follows:

1.               PS/2

2.               Serial

3.               Universal serial bus (USB)

4.               Cordless


Parts of a mouse

A mouse is made up of the following parts:

1.               Left button: This is used for clicking or double clicking an object.

2.               Right button: It brings a task menu which contains some commands.

3.               Mouse ball: This is a small round ball under the mouse which rolls or a mouse pad or smooth surface as the mouse is moved on the table.

4.               Mouse pointer: This is a small arrow- shaped object that moves around on a computer screen and which is used to point at objects in a graphical operating environment.

5.               Mouse cord: It is a tiny cord fixed onto the mouse for transferring signals to the processor               



1.               List five examples of screen pointing devices.

2.               Mention four different versions of mouse



Pointing: Move the mouse to move the on-screen pointer.

Clicking: Press and release the left mouse button once.

Double-Clicking: Press and release the left mouse button twice.

Dragging: Hold down the left mouse button as you move the pointer.

Right-Clicking: Press and release the right mouse button.

Select and deselecting objects.



1.               List five examples of screen pointing devices.

2.               Mention four different versions of mouse

3.               State five parts of a mouse

4.               State five mouse action techniques.

5.               Differentiate between right clicking and left clicking.



Modern Computer Studies by Victoria Dinehin pages 162- 163



1.               A ………….. is a  pointing device across a desk surface in order to point and select objects on the screen. (a) keyboard  (b) scanner  (c) mouse  (d) light pen

2.               The …… mouse button is the  most frequently used. (a) Left     (b) Right 

(c) Center   (d) Middle

3.               The following are examples of screen pointing devices except ………. (a) mouse  (b) joystick   (c) light pen  (d) keyboard

4.                  ………. is a tiny cord fixed onto the mouse for transferring signals to the processor. (a) mouse pointer     (b) mouse cord   (c) keyboard  (d)  track ball

5.                ……… is used for clicking or double clicking an object. (a) left button  (b) right button  (c) mouse cord  (d) track ball



1.               List five examples of screen pointing devices.

2.               Mention four different versions of mouse

3.               Briefly explain how a computer mouse works.






Booting is the process of starting the computer or preparing the computer for use.

Starting up a Micro Computer System

When the power button is pressed to boot up, the PC goes through a process called power- on – self test (POST). This POST enables the computer to read several files to remind itself what it should be doing and to perform a complex series of tests to make sure all its hardware components are working properly.

When the computer is booted up, an electrical current travels to the microprocessor and resets the chip to clear its memory. During reset, the microprocessor sends a command to the computer’s read only memory (ROM) chips to run the computer’s basic input/output system (BIOS) boot program. Thereafter, the boot program connects the hard drive, loading windows XP/VISTA/7 core system files through the microprocessor and loading the device driver software needed to allow communication between the operating system and the PC’s hardware.

After communicating with the video card to create the desktop environment, windows operating system then opens the Startup folder which is immediately accessed from the hard drive and loaded through the microprocessor into RAM, after which the computer is ready for use.


There are two types of booting:

1.               Cold booting

2.               Warm booting


Cold booting: The process of switching the computer by pressing the power switch on the system unit.

Warm booting: The process of restarting the computer by pressing the reset button on the system unit or by using the ctrl + Alt + Del key.



1.               Define booting.

2.               List and explain the two types of booting.



Modern Computer Studies by Victoria Dinehin pages 63- 65



1.               The process of starting up computer is referred to as ………. (a) booming

(b) switching (c) booting  (d) starter

2.               The two types of booting are ….. and …….. (a) cold and warm booting  (b) cold and hot booting (c) warm and hot booting  (d) none of the above

3.               The process of switching the computer by pressing the power switch on the system unit is called …… booting.  (a) cold booting (b) hot booting (c) weather  (d) cold

4.               The process of restarting the computer by pressing the reset button on the system unit or by using the ctrl + Alt + Del key is called……… (a) cold booting (b) hot booting  (c) warm booting (d) CPU

5.               BIOS means ……………. (a) basic input/output system  (b) base input/output system  (c) boot inside/outside storage  (d) basic inside/outside system



1.               Define booting

2.               List and explain the two types of booting

3.               State the acronym for the following: (i) POST   (ii) BIOS


SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDIES                                                                                     CLASS: JSS2




WEEK             TOPIC

1.                          Internet I

2.                          Internet Browser

3.                          Benefits of using the Internet

4.                          Abuse of the Internet

5.                          Computer Network

6.                          Data Communication

7.                          Computer Ethics

8.                          Ways of misusing the Computer System

9.                          Safety Measures I

10.                       Safety Measures II





Reference Book

A handbook on Computer Studies (PRACTICAL GUIDE) for Schools and Colleges by NiyiAdekolegan


The word “INTERNET” stands for International Network simply put as NET. It comprises of all computers around the world, connected together to share resources and information irrespective of distance and/or geographical location. The Internet is a worldwide communication medium or pool from where people all over the world could exchange retrieve, disseminate and store information thus, turning the world into a global village. It is the use of internet that actually turns the world into a global village where users like government, military, educational and commercial institutions around the world becomes one. There is no person, company, government or country that can claim single ownership of the internet. The computers within the internet are connected via communication equipments including telephone lines i.e. wired or wireless, satellites etc.



The internet that is International Network is an electronic means of communication via a computer network, whereby people all over the world can have access to information at any time in a matter of seconds. Information can be given to people all over the world to see and retrieve at the same time using computer and telephone. It is the fastest and the most reliable means of data and information transfer.


Internet is a worldwide communication medium where people all over the world can exchange, retrieve, disseminate and store information. No one person or organization owns the internet. It belongs collectively to the telecommunication companies.



What is Internet?



E-mail simply means electronic mail. It is the most widely used resource on the net. It has a common resource provided by the net from sending and receiving electronic. E-mail has become the live wire for many business and personal communication. It is easier, faster and better. Email are sent and received to or from any part of the world in a second. To send e-mail involves composing the message, connecting and sending the message. Generally, the message is created or composed on the computer and send through the same medium to the destination. To facilitates effective use of e-mail facilities, user also needs to have his or her own e-mail address (i.e., because in any form of letter writing there is always the addresser’s address and the addressee’s address.



1.     What is E-mail?

2.     Give an example of e-mail address



The World Wide Web (www) is a package designed to present detailed information about an organization, product services. The World Wide Web also refers to as the web is the global collection of multimedia document and files, which are stored on computer connected to the internet. There are specific sites called website that have unique feature or information. A website is a collection of web pages maintained by the owner of the site. It is like having files containing information about your activities all in one collection. Each of the site has unique addressand  is called UNIFORM RESOURCE LOCATORS (URL) by which the site can be reached or located for whatever information. A typical URL anatomy made of three parts.


Part                                                   Meaning

Http://                                                protocol                                the name of the computer where the information is located

Index                                                  the path and filename of the file retrieve



1.     What is the World Wide Web?

2.     What is URL?

3.     The URL can be divided into how many parts?




Instruction: Choose the correct option from the ones lettered  A to D

1.     Another name for INTERNET is …. (a) NET(b) Network(c) global village

2.     The INTERNET has turned the whole world into a … (a) Computer (b) Network

(c) global village

3.     ... is the fastest and the most reliable means of data and information transfer          

(a)   www (b) e-mail (c) Internet

4.     E-mail simply means …. (a) Internet      (b) electronic mail (c) International network

5.     A website is a collection of ….. (a) web pages(b) e-mail addresses (c) network



1.What is the World Wide Web?

2.Give an example of e-mail address





Reference Book – A handbook on Computer Studies (PRACTICAL GUIDE) for Schools and Colleges by NiyiAdekolegan



The Internet Browser or Web Browser is a program that enables you to view and explore information on the web. Examples of Internet Browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla Firefox etc. The internet Explorer is the device used to connect users to the internet on a Microsoft computer. To download the internet explorer on your computer, click on the “blue” e on the computer desktop. After you have done this, the internet page will appear. The particular web page that loads on your screen is your screen is your default homepage. You can change it if you wish. If no page is loaded, it means you have not connected to the internet or there is a problem with your connection.

To download a website off your choice after you have downloaded the internet page, type the address of the website you want to browse in the address bar e.g. and press enter key. The internet explorer would quickly search for the website and bring it to your view for browsing. What the internet will bring to you is the web page on that website. All the information you need to know about the organization will be displayed.



The internet can be used for the following purposes

1.     Getting information e.g. news, results of exams i.e. NECO, WAEC, JAMB etc

2.     Displaying information.

3.     For entertainment e.g. playing games, watching movie etc

4.     Communication e.g. sending e-mail, chatting etc

5.     Application for jobs

6.     Buying and selling e.g. e-commerce

7.     For banking e.g. money transfer



1.     What is Internet browser?

2.   Mention FIVE uses of the internet.



E-mail is an acronym of Electronic Mail. It is the most widely used resource on the net. It has a common resource provided by the net for sending and receiving electronic mail. E-mail has become the livewire for many business and personal communication.To send E-mail involves: Composing the message, connecting and sending the message. Generally, the message is created or composed on the computer and send through the same medium the destination. Simple software may be used for sending, receiving and connecting to the host computer.



Tips: To create a free e-mail address, first determine the web mail service you want to use. Yahoo is your best bet.

STEP 1: Move your mouse to Address field and click the left button, then type and press enter key on the keyboard.

STEP 2: Move your mouse to Check mail and click the left mouse button.

STEP 3: Move your mouse to Sign up Now and click the left mouse button.

STEP 4: In yahoo mail – free edition, move your mouse to sign me up and click the left mouse button. Yahoo displays the registration form.

STEP 5: Follow the instructions and your particulars in the fields (spaces) provided. Scroll to view the other pages of the registration form.

STEP 6: At the end of the form, move your mouse to submit and click the left mouse button.

Note: if you had entered a Username already taken by someone else, the web server will display alternative user names for you to choose from, make selection from the suggestions or choose another user name yourself.

STEP 7: Make other needed changes, then move your mouse to Submit and click the left mouse button. If the information entered is correct, the web server will display a “Welcome to Yahoo…” This message indicates that you have successfully registered your e-mail address.

STEP 8: Move your mouse to continue to yahoo mail and click the left mouse button. To read the first mail sent to you by Yahoo confirmation, move your mouse to Check Mail and click the left mouse button.



How can you create your own e-mail address?




Instruction: Choose the correct option from the ones lettered  A to D

1.     Another name for Internet browser is … (a) Web browser (b) Net (c) E-mail

2.     One of the uses of the internet is … (a) Communication            (b) drawing (c) eating

3.     E-mail means … (a) Electronic mail (b) Electric mail (c) Electronic messenger

4.     Can Money transfer be done on the internet? (a) Yes(b) No(c) I don’t know

5.     The best website to create e-mail address is … (a) Yahoo(b) myspace(c) facebook



1.What is Internet browser?

2.Mention FIVE uses of the internet.





Reference Book – A handbook on Computer Studies (PRACTICAL GUIDE) for Schools and Colleges by NiyiAdekolegan



The users of internet cut across various professional and non professionals alike. Users of the internet have access to the following facilities.

1.     Access to data bank and research information.

2.     E-COMMERCE: this is the act of buying and selling on the internet: doing business on the internet.

3.     QUICK AND EFFECTIVE EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION: The internet provides search tools called Search Engines for users to get information quickly and easily. Easy maintenance and updates making information instant.

4.     ACCESS TO INTERNET LIBRARY SERVICES: Online publishing of information on different topics. Magazines and newspaper publishers around the world are now making their publication available on the internet.

5.     PRODUCT OR SERVICE ADVERTISMENT: Businesses and clients now transact businesses or the internet. Many shops are now making their shops to be online.

6.     RECREATION AND ENTERTAINMENT: Internet gives you access to the latest movie, music or theatre information. You can also have a live chat with your friends and loved ones far away.

7.     EDUCATIONAL TOOL: There is a lot of information on the internet e.g. e-learning and e-education. Participation in online group discussion and chatting are made possible by the power of the internet.

8.     JOB OPPORTUNITY: You can get job opportunity on the internet.

9.     Internet can be accessed very easily at anytime of any day from anywhere in the world.

10.  It allows users to have access to a vast range of information from many different sources

11.  Information provided on the internet is cheaper and frequent. It is cost savings.

12.  It provides up to date information on all spheres of human endeavours.



Write down TEN benefits of using the internet




Instruction: Choose the correct option from the ones lettered  A to D

1.     The act of buying and selling on the internet is called ………………..

(a)   E-commerce      (b) E-mail      (c) E-shop

2.     The act of schooling on the internet is called................

(a)   E-learning       (b) E-commerce                  (c) E-banking

3.     Internet gives you access to data bank and research information.

(a)   True                (b) False                (c) I don’t know

4.     Is it possible to do Banking on the internet? (a) Yes (b) No (c) I don’t know

5.     You cannot a get job opportunity on the internet (a) True (b) False (c) I don’t know



(1) Write down TEN benefits of using the internet

(2) What is E-commerce





Reference Book – A handbook on Computer Studies (PRACTICAL GUIDE) for Schools and Colleges by NiyiAdekolegan



1.     FRAUD: Fraud can be described the theft of assets without the consent of the lawful owners or misrepresentation of truth in order to deceive. The internet is now a source of making money by fraudsters.

2.     HACKING: This term used to describe the theft and vandalization of both hardware and

software resources as well as official documents

3.     THEFT OF PERSONAL INFORMATION: If you use the internet you may be facing grave danger as your personal information such as name, address, credit card number etc can be accessed by other culprits to dupe you or other people.

4.     SPAMMING: This refers to sending unwanted emails in bulk, which provide no purpose and needlessly obstruct the entire system. Such illegal activities can be frustrating and so instead of just ignoring them, you should make efforts to try and stop these activities so that using the internet can become much safer.

5.     VIRUS: Virus is nothing but a program which disrupts the normal functioning of your computer system. Computer attached to the internet are more prone to virus attacks and they end up into crashing the entire hard disk causing you a serious problem.

6.     PORNOGRAPHY:  This is perhaps the biggest threat related to children’s or young people’s mental life. This is a very serious issue concerning the internet. There are thousands of pornographic sites on the internet that can be easily found and can be detrimental to children using the internet,

7.     CYBER WAR: This is the use of electronic network and information as weapon of attack. E.g. when internet users use the internet to send provocative mails or chat to cause chaos and distract them.

8.     TIME MISMANAGEMENT: Internet makes people to spend less time with their family because of search for information and work overload.



Write and explain FIVE ways to abuse the internet




Instruction: Choose the correct option from the ones lettered  A to D

1.     …………… is a program which disrupts the normal functioning of your computer system

(a)   Virus         (b) Software         (c) Operating System

2.     …………… is the use of electronic network and information as weapon of attack

(a)   Cyber war (b) Pornography      (c) Virus

3.     The biggest threat related to children’s or young people’s mental life is …………….

(a)   Pornography      (b) Virus      (c) Cyber war

4.     --- is the act of sending unwanted emails in bulk (a) Spamming (b) Pornography (c) Virus

5.     Internet makes people to spend less time with their family (a) True (b) False (c) I don’t know



1.Write and explain FIVE ways to abuse the internet

2.  What is cyber bully?





Reference Book – A handbook on Computer Studies (PRACTICAL GUIDE) for Schools and Colleges by NiyiAdekolegan



A Computer Network is a group of computer connected to each other to a central server so that they can share resources such as document and printer. A computer network is defined as the interconnections of two or more computer systems with data communication devices. It consists of communications software (i.e. Network operating system) computer systems (modes), Network cards (connector) and network cable medium.

Networking reduces duplication of computer resources. This enables the scarce resources to be shared among the computer system on the network. Therefore, it allows the sharing of files, application software products, printer, disk space, modern, faxes, CD ROM drives and E-mail facilities. The control system unit is called the HOST while the connected system unit is called GUEST OR SERVER. The terminal cannot work unless the server is on.



What is a Computer Network?



The prominent networking services are of three types:

1.     Local Area Network (LAN)

2.     Wide Area Network (WAN)

3.     Metropolitan Network (MAN)

4.     International Network (INTERNET)

1.     LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN): This is the interconnection of two or more computers within a small geographical area such as an office or a building.

2.     METROPOLITAN NETWORK (MAN): This is the type of network or computer connections with a state or city. The HOST system and server is not far from each other.

3.     WIDE AREA NETWORK (WAN): This network system connects computers together across a large geographical area such as a country or inter-states.

4.     INTERNATIONAL NETWORK (INTERNET): The Internet can be defined as a global, interconnected network, hence the name Internet (International Network) or simply the Net. It is a network that links the whole world thus turning the world into a global village.



There are two main methods of networking they are:

1.     Wired or Cable Network

2.     Wireless Network



This is the type of network using cable wires to connect computers together. This is applicable in Local Area Network (LAN) and Metropolitan Area Network (MAN). Its components are: NIC Networking Operating System, Network (Cable and BNC connectors)



This is the type of network which does not employ the use of wire. It makes use of radio waves, microwaves etc to transmit information. Its components are

-          Network Interface Components (NIC)

-          Network Operating System

-          Network Antenna (Aerial)

-          Special Modem (Radio modem)



1.     Explain the two methods of networking.

2.     How many types of network exist?

3.     List the types of network.



Instruction: Choose the correct option from the ones lettered  A to D

1.     …………… is the interconnections of two or more computer systems

(a)   Computer Network                  (b) Internet           (c) Intranet

2.     … is the type of network or computer connections with a state or city

(a)   WAN                          (b) LAN                (c) MAN

3.     INTERNET means … (a) International Network (b) International Nation (c) Icon Network

4.     … is the type of network using cable wires to connect computers together

(a)   Wired Network           (b) Wireless Network    (c) International Network

5.     … is the type of network which does not employ the use of wire

(a)   Wired Network           (b) Wireless Network    (c) International Network



1.How many types of network exist?

2. List the types of network.





Reference Book – A handbook on Computer Studies (PRACTICAL GUIDE) for Schools and Colleges by NiyiAdekolegan



Data communication refers to the communication between machines, computers and computer peripheral equipment in order to increase the speed and ease the movement of data information from one place to another. Data Communication involves five parts such as:


The origin of data is known as the source while destination is where data is sent to. The medium through which data is communicated (conveyed) to the destination from the source is transmission channel or simply put as channel. Channel does not necessarily mean a physical device. It is the path over which data and information travels. However, data transmission or communication problem is the noise which serves as electronic interface.



What is Data Communication?



The various transmission modes are

1.     Synchronous transmission

2.     Asynchronous transmission

3.     Simplex transmission

4.     Duplex transmission

5.     Half Duplex transmission


ASYNCHRONOUS TRANSMISSION: This is referred to as start – stop transmission. It transmits on character at a time over a line. It is used for low speed transmission.


SYNCHRONOUS TRANSMISSION: It transmits groups of characters simultaneously with

the beginning and ending of a block of characters determined by the timing circuitry of sending and receiving devices.


SIMPLEX TRANSMISSION: The transmission of data is in one direction only e.g. broadcasting news on radio or television. These systems are employed in the broadcasting network when the receiver does not necessarily need to send the feedback back to the transmitter.


DUPLEX TRANSMISSION: This transmission method allows transmission of data and information in both directions but not simultaneously. This form of transmission of data is in both direction but not at the same time.



There are various equipments used in data transmission. These are the equipments used to facilitate the transfer of data (signals) from or location to another. Example includes:

1.     MODEM: The term modem is a condensation of the two terms modulator and demodulator. A modem is a hardware interface connected to each end of a communication channel.

2.     MULTIPLEXORS: This is a device which enables a number of signals to be accommodated on a single communication line or channel for the purpose of moving data or information between the source and the destination.

3.     DEMULTIPLEXERS: These equipments perform just exactly opposite action of a multiplexor by demultiplexing the received signals coming from multiplexor channels.

4.     ROUTER: A router is a system that routes or passes messages from one LAN to another.

5.     REPEATER: These are specified main trunking transmission length.



1.     List FIVE data transmission equipments

2.     Write short notes on the FOUR modes of data transmission




Instruction: Choose the correct option from the ones lettered  A to D

1.     …………….. refers to the communication between computers

(a)   Data Communication      (b) Channel           (c) Simplex

2.     ……………. is the medium through which data is communicated or conveyed

(a)   Data Communication      (b) Channel           (c) Duplex

3.     …………….. is a device which enables a number of signals to be communicated on a single channel (a) Multiplexor (b) Modem (c) Router

4.     …………….. is referred to as a start – stop transmission

(a)   asynchronous transmission(b) synchronous transmission(c) simplex transmission

5.     The hardware that modulates and demodulates network signal is called …………….

(a)   Modem (b) Router      (c) Repeater



1. What is Data Communication?

2.Write short notes on the FOUR modes of data transmission




Reference Book – A handbook on Computer Studies (PRACTICAL GUIDE) for Schools and Colleges by NiyiAdekolegan




In order to have an ideal computer environment, there are rules and guidelines to follow: this serve as the standard or the responsible ways of using the computer system. These include:

1.     Put on the computer system when you need to and shut down properly when the system is not in use.

2.     A well illuminated room should be an ideal place to keep the computer system. The room must be well curtained to prevent sunlight ray. The room should be well ventilated and airy to dispatch the heat generated by the computer.

3.     Air conditioner for the effective cooling of the computer is ideal.

4.     Computer connection should be such that will protect the computer from damage. Avoid running computer cables on the floor.

5.     The use of pipe for cable system is a perfect way to run cables in the computer room.

6.     A dust free environment is an ideal place to keep computer and it must be maintained.

7.     A central switch system with an uninterruptible power supply will protect the computer from the power problem.

8.     Do not move the computer system while it is switched on to prevent an interrupt and also system from damage.

9.     Furniture and the computer system should be arranged in such a way that students can use the keyboard, mouse and other peripherals without any difficulty.

10.  Avoid liquid dropping into the computer system. Therefore, eating or drinking should be discouraged in the computer room.

11.  Handle all the equipment with care.

12.  Computer system should be serviced regularly and covered after use.



Write TEN responsible ways of using of the computer system



The internet or simply the net is an acronym for international network. It is a global interconnect network of computer for the purpose of sharing hardware, software and information resources. The internet can be responsible used in the following ways:

1.     Respect either people’s privacy

2.     Avoid getting password or authorized into other people’s information fraudulently

3.     Check your e-mail regularly and give prompt and polite response to mails

4.     Respect the copyright law by not copying or duplicate protected works or software without due permission.

5.     There should be no discrimination (e.g. sex, race) and therefore respect the opinion of other participants in the net group.



1.     Write FIVE responsible ways of using the internet

2.     Write TEN responsible ways of using of the computer system




1.     Write FIVE responsible ways of using of the computer system

2.     Write FIVE responsible ways of using the internet





Reference Book – A handbook on Computer Studies (PRACTICAL GUIDE) for Schools and Colleges by NiyiAdekolegan



1.     HACKING: This is the theft of hardware and software resources. It can also include the theft of physical cash as well as official documents.

2.     PORNOGRAPHY: This is the use of internet top show nude pictures, thereby abusing the mind of the teenage.

3.     CYBERWAR: This is the use of electronic network and information on the net to fervent trouble e.g. the use of internet to send provocative word.

4.     FRAUD: This involves using internet to defraud others. The fraudsters commonly refer to as yahoo boys defraud their victim of their money and valuables.

5.     PRIVACY OF SOFTWARE: When people go to the internet to copy software and use it without permission or authorization is referred to as the piracy.

6.     PLAGIARISM: This is the claiming the ownership of the researched work of software belonging to another person and get credit or reward for it. This is possible when existing job is pirated and represent as new and original.

7.     STEALING: This is the use of computer to steal money (i.e. unauthorized use or access to other people ATM). It is similar to fraud.

8.     VIRUS ATTACK OR THREAT: Virus is a program written by the programmer to adversely affect the smooth running of the computer system. Some internet users intentionally send virus to other internet users. The effects of virus attack are numerous.



Write FIVE irresponsible ways of using the computer.



1.     The theft of hardware and software resources is called ………………

(a)   Hacking          (b) Fraud               (c) Stealing

2.     …………  involves using internet to defraud others

(a)   Hacking          (b) Fraud               (c) Stealing

3.     …………. is a program written by the programmer to adversely affect the smooth running of the computer system. (a) Virus (b) Software (c) Anti – Virus

4.     The use of computer to steal money is called …….. (a) Hacking (b) Stealing (c) Virus

5.     ………….. is the use of electronic network and information on the net to fervent trouble

(a)   Cyber war       (b) Stealing           (c) Fraud



Write FIVE irresponsible ways of using the computer.




Reference Book – A handbook on Computer Studies (PRACTICAL GUIDE) for Schools and Colleges by NiyiAdekolegan



The computer professionals and users should be aware of safety precautions to be taken when using the computer. To avoid health problems and accidents in the computer room the following safety measure should be considered.


Air conditioner is necessary in the computer room to make the computer perform well. The computer generates a lot of heat, hence the need for the air conditioner or fan. It is also necessary for the computer user to be comfortable. The design of a workstation should be such that people are maintaining neutral posture.


When setting a computer room the following must be taken into consideration:

-          The computer must be space apart

-          There must be free entry and exit

-          All wire connecting the system should be properly disposed

-          A Computer library should be close to the computer room


Dust should be prevented as often as possible in the computer room. The floor must always be kept clean the computer and its peripheral should be covered using the dust cover after use.


The surge protectors, the use of stabilizer and UPS must be upheld to prevent any form of damage caused by power fluctuations.


The computer room should be well illuminated, use of florescent tubes and bulbs to provide light to make the room bright for all the activities carried out by the computer users is essential.


This involves putting in place a reliable security measures to protect both the physical and logical assets of the firm.


These refer to the measures put in place to secure the computer hardware. UPS, Monitor, Keyboard, Tapes etc the following are the physical measures to prevent crime:

(a)   Provision of secured guards to control access to the center

(b)   Provision of log register to monitor staff

(c)   Provision of UPS and generator to prevent accidental loss of data

(d)   Ensuring that waste document are properly burnt

(e)   Ensuring that equipments are switched off when not in use

(f)    Solid construction of the computer center with secured windows



1.     Write down FIVE safety measures.

2.     Mention 2 physical security measures.




Instruction: Choose the correct option from the ones lettered  A to D

1.     A Computer library should be close to the computer room.

(a)   True          (b) False      (c) I don’t know

2.     Provision of UPS and generator to prevent accidental loss of data.

(a)   True          (b) False      (c) I don’t know

3.     The computer room should be well illuminated. (a) True (b) False (c) I don’t know

4.     A Computer library should be close to the computer room

(a)   True          (b) False      (c) I don’t know

5.     Dust should be prevented as often as possible in the computer room.

(a)   True          (b) False      (c) I don’t know



Write down FIVE safety measures.





Reference Book – A handbook on Computer Studies (PRACTICAL GUIDE) for Schools and Colleges by NiyiAdekolegan




The following rule and regulations must be observed when in the computer room

1.     There should be no eating.

2.     Do not rest your arm on the computer system.

3.     There should be no noise or fighting in the computer room.

4.     Handle the equipments with care.

5.     All computers should be cover after use.

6.     Do not receive visitors in the computer room.

7.     There should be strong security around the computer room to prevent theft.

8.     The system should be shut down or turned off after use.



What are the rules and regulations that must be observed in the computer room?



This means building software check/control into the system to disallow unauthorized access. These are achieved through the use of passwords and access codes. The following logical measures will assist to prevent crime:

(a)   Provision of password for authorized users.

(b)   Provision of data encryption method.

(c)   Provision of a system to monitor the activities of all login users.

(d)   Provision of regular audit to all computing resources

(e)   Provision of security software to restrict the permission of the users to read only i.e. he cannot modify the data or copy the information.

(f)    Provision of an alarm system when an attempt is made to break into the program.

(g)   Provision or protection software to limit the users’ activities to specified directory or program.



(1) Write FIVE ways of preventing crime on the computer system.

(2) What are the rules and regulations that must be observed in the computer room?



Instruction: Choose the correct option from the ones lettered  A to D

1. A Computer room should be treated with care

(b)   True          (b) False      (c) I don’t know

2. There should be provision of security software.

(b)   True          (b) False      (c) I don’t know

3. The computer room should be provided with an alarm system.

(a)   True          (b) False      (c) I don’t know

4. A Computer should have a strong security

(b)   True          (b) False      (c) I don’t know

5. Logical security include provision of password for authorized users

(b)   True          (b) False      (c) I don’t know



1.     Write FIVE precautions that must be taken when in the computer room

2.     Write FIVE logical measures that will assist to prevent crime in the computer system.